A bittersweet journey, highlight of my life: Breastfeeding Journey

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You can read Raksha Raghavan’s story here.


44 thoughts on “A bittersweet journey, highlight of my life: Breastfeeding Journey

  1. Thank you for being so transparent. I had my own struggle with this so I completely understand. Its so worth the fight. Thanks for sharing!

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  2. I love reading and hearing about other women’s breastfeeding journies! Each one is so unique but it can be extremely helpful for other women struggling. When I had trouble in that first week of nursery it’s reading things like this that helped me pull through and stick it out. Knowing that many struggle and get through it helped me feel not so alone and like less of a failure!

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  3. I think I was only able to breastfeed for a month then couldn’t produce any milk and the latch was not right, then turned to formula and my son ended up being allergic to milk protein which caused even more problems but after a lot of struggles, we managed and he is now a healthy four year old.


  4. We had a rough beginning with breastfeeding due to low supply and at 3 months we decided to call it quits. Best decision of my life! I’m all for breastfeeding, but I think there is too much pressure and it drives women, who already are emotional postpartum, to a breaking point. If it works for you, then great, but if it doesn’t, don’t beat yourself up over it.

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  5. Oh man, these are some struggles! I was lucky and my kids latched right on and I didn’t get poked fun of. I was happy to save the cash, you know? But it wasn’t my favorite thing to do. I’m big on personal space, and constantly having a baby on my breast got wearing after a while. Both my kids nursed until they were close to 2, and then I cut them off. If they could ask for milk, they could have a cup of it from the fridge.

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  6. Breastfeeding was difficult for my wife as the milk just wasn’t enough to feed our daughter. We switched to formula milk after 2 months. I can imagine the many challenges that breastfeeding mothers face!

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  7. Thanks for sharing these struggles, it’s important for women all over the world to feel that they are not alone when in such a sensitive stage in parenthood.

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  8. This was so interesting. My sister had the very same experience as you! I’ve never breastfed before/had a child so this is completely new to me.

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  9. I really appreciate your transparency. I too went through struggles with breastfeeding. My biggest challenge was low output, and it seemed like I was on the phone with the La Leche League everyday. I drank so much Mother’s Milk tea, that I pretty much started floating! I had plans to nurse until my daughter was at least 1, but it was cut short when I got bit by a dog (Im a social worker), and had to get rabies injections. My daughter weaned herself at this point, because I didnt have a large enough stash pumped, due to my low supply. I’m hoping for a better experience with my next child! Thank you for sharing this!

    Amber S. | http://www.thesuburbansocialite.com

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  10. This post brought back so many memories. I too had trouble breastfeeding and it was nearly depressing. Thanks for sharing your story, it touched my heart.

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  11. Thanks for sharing your experience. I ended up pumping for 6 months with my first baby, and 16 with my second! There were too many latching issues and it was really painful for me. Pumping just worked, and I was able to figure out a good system that was good for me.

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  12. Goodness, this brings back memories, my oldest had a really bad tongue tie, and until it fixed nursing was agony. My second had a much less tight tongue tie and we allowed it to stretch on its own. Because of this, I had to pump frequently for the first little bit. I also chose to allow both my sons to self wean, I’m still nursing the younger one!

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  13. Thanks for sharing your experience – I think it’s so important for other mothers that are struggling to hear the different battles people face when trying to breastfeed. We had a very difficult battle with my first but eventually were successful.

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  14. Raksha is very brave who handled each problem in her breastfeeding journey with right information and support. It’s amazing how UK have such an active community for breastfeeding.

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  15. I had faced the same problem but the reason is completely different , this surely will make the new and going to be moms aware .

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  16. I have known Raksha for a while now, and her advices on BSIM have always been spot on. I knew she was amazing! I didnt know how tough her journey has been, and I love her all the more for not letting it pressure her to give up!
    So inspiring!

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