When it rains, it pours!

Phew! So it’s been quite a hectic two weeks! I’m not sure how it works for you guys, but I think I perform better when I’m racing against a deadline.

So it started off with a couple of guys falling ill at the tailors and then a delay in the stuff to reach us due to festive holidays. Now that we’ve the stuff, the daughter is down with an upset tummy. My models are caught up and hence are not available on the weekend for a photoshoot. The laptop decided to die on me. AND, we need to launch the stuff on Monday. Oh well, it’s true, when it rains, it definitely pours!

Yes, I’m glad I’m still breathing. Even if I faint, a whack from the daughter is enough to bring me back to my senses. We did manage to click pictures of the new products, we know we might have to come back to it. Well, as they say, the show must go on.

Photoshoot. Check. Download photo editing app. Check. Edit images. Check. Upload on the Facebook page. Check. Still breathing. Check. Peaceful sleep. Check. Check. Check.

And we have launched long nursing kurtis at T&S. Hurray!

Stay with us as we continue to launch new products.

Cherish every moment!

What’s in a name?

When I brought up the idea of nursing wear, a friend of mine, Shruti Kothari-Tomar and I were wondering what we would name the company. We tried everything under the sun but something wasn’t adding up. That is when she suggested we should work around Tanirika’s (my daughter) name as she is the reason this idea occurred to me.

Although I was a little skeptical in the start, a little coaxing from Shruti changed my mind and we decided to use the letter T. The letter S wasn’t a difficult bet as there were people who could claim it.. the husbandman and I, ofcourse!

Now that we have T&S, the next worry was – What would it stand for. After a lot of permutations and combinations, we finalised T&S – Threads and Shuttles. We want to help thread every moment of yours with your loved ones.

My little team of motivators, Asha, Jakshi and Roopesh helped me zero down the tagline… Cherish the moment!

At this moment, I would like to quote William Shakespeare, “What’s in a name”. And yes, we at T&S would like to believe in the same. We don’t want our name to bring smiles and joy, but we believe in our products to do the magic.

Cherish the moment!

Image courtesy: lifeofleo.in

The birth of T&S

Image courtesy: topbabysites.eu

I’m writing this post as my beautiful daughter sleeps beside me. Yes, the most gorgeous reason for T&S to emerge.

The idea for T&S was born a month after Tanirika was born. It took quite some time to nurture and build with a lot of hiccups in different forms, but after a year and half, here we are.. Launching our second baby!

I must thank God for giving me a beautiful breastfeeding journey till date and I’ve cherished every moment with my little one.

I used to wonder how people would breastfeed in public by just lifting their tops. Wouldn’t it be too obvious for the oglers and dirty minds? Not everybody thinks of it as natural. We’ve come a long way from that thought and in all honesty, that’s what works for us. And I must say, without the husband man, I would’ve given up ages ago. Although a lot of us have overcome our inhibitions, a lot of us are still scared and conscious to do it in public. So much that they’re confined within the walls of their home. For them, T&S is born.

At T&S, we have varied products ranging from short and long nursing kurtis to short and long nursing dresses to nursing covers. We also provide fabrics from time to time to help customers customise it to their liking. We hope to bring to you more products in more styles.

Don’t worry about covering up anymore as there’s nothing that can be seen.

Stop blaming yourself, the world and your baby for your lost freedom. Get out of that house and have double the fun. Be an example to your little one. Be one among the thousands who are trying to normalize breastfeeding. Turn every single day into a “happy” woman’s day.

Cherish the moment!