29 thoughts on ““Let it always be your decision”: Breastfeeding Journey

  1. I so agree! Some people are able to breastfeed better than others. I would never judge a mother who couldn’t. So long as the child is well fed and cared for, who cares how they eat?

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  2. Like Uma’s thought that don’t hesitate when you feel any problem, talk to people, but surely take decision on your instincts.

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  3. Thank you for this, I remember I couldn’t be able to breastfeed my son all through just because I was not able to produce enough milk no matter what I did and yes I did gt judged but never let it get to me. I made a decision for the better and wouldn’t change a thing.

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  4. I can just imagine how scary it must be to quit ones job to be a SAHM. But I know it to be more rewarding than any job out there. I love the concept of babywearing!

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  5. I am not a mum nor will i be one any time soon and i don’t know much about breastfeeding so it was great reading this post and finding out a bit more

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  6. Breastfeeding is such an important time in a babies life. Not only does it provide nutrients but being close to the mother like this is also very therapeutic.

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  7. Thank you for this post. I have so many friends who have breastfed their babies and every journey is different. Trusting your instinct is such an important piece of advice that I hope to pass on to them.

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  8. Oh i love Uma and the owl motif. I love the online village support system your features give to mothers universally. Following your instincts and knowing that you are supported can really go a long way in a mom’s bf’ing journey.

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  9. I love to read other mom’s stories. I, too didn’t know breastfeeding wouldn’t just be a natural thing. But, indeed it can be hard and painful and downright unpleasant. There is also amazing parts of it including the bond. I love the idea of feeding baby from the heart- breastfeeding is for sure a labor of love!

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  10. Aw! I love reading stories and hearing about other people’s breastfeeding/baby wearing journeys. My youngest just turned 2 and does not want to be carried at all anymore. She stopped nursing at about 14 months. I knew she was my last so I prolonged it a little. I know I’ll always miss my littles.

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  11. I completely agree with the advice Uma has shared in the end, new moms need to read this. Babywearing is definitely a savior and yes it helped a lot in making the breastfeeding smooth. Thanks Uma and Sapna for sharing this interview.

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  12. I LOVE THIS! I agree. A lot of mommies don’t have the honor to breastfeed their little ones but as long as they are fed who cares. Or if you choose not to breastfeed who cares! I am 11 months strong and I am happy about it yet others are questioning when am i stopping.

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  13. Agree that breastfeeding is a personal decision. It wary from mother to mother. I breastfed both my children but my youngest I breastfed him the longest. I was so afraid that weaning him will be a challenge but it only took us 3 days to wean him.

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  14. I love reading other moms’ journey.. it’s very inspiring. And yes, I am glad I too was surrounded with positive ppl when I was in bf phase. It’s so essential!

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