33 thoughts on “Breastfeeding and Migraines: Breastfeeding Journey

  1. Wow, she rocks! She really pushed through at a point where many would have gave up. After all, motherhood is all about doing what’s best for our children despite our own discomfort. Thanks for sharing!

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  2. What an encouraging story! Breastfeeding can be quite challenging, even without migraines, but it is such a beautiful and intimate time with your little one. Stay strong breastfeeding mamas!

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  3. Migraines are so awful! I actually feared having kids because I didn’t know if I could care for a baby with my debilitating headaches. How awesome that she was able to breastfeed for so long despite the pain.

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  4. I could so totally empathize with this! I fortunately avoided migraines in the first hectic newborn days but they’ve hit me with a vengeance since. It’s so painful feeding through them .More strength to this mamma.

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  5. Wow. She had really kept moving on with a positive attitude and all the love for her kid. Way to go Dhanya. Speaking if breastfeeding mine was a pea eful journey except for the first two weeks.. My daughter had latching priblems and the fear of not feeding her enough made me mentally weak. It was really toigh but thank god my munchkin helped me soon tgan I expected.

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  6. Woh..the first part of it is very much like reading my own story, not completely though! More power to you momma, you are a super momma.

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  7. Truely agree with Dhanya that with right kind of knowledge & support you can move on every difficult step of motherhood. Every story of your article says how women became stronger than ever when its about the wellness of their kid.

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