14 thoughts on ““Yes, we had a smooth journey”: Breastfeeding Journey

  1. Totally loved going through this interview, breastfeeding is something really close to my heart as I have been fighting with myself for it, somedays to continue and other days to not even think about weaning as it is everything when everything else fails for us. And yes support groups are a blessing for smooth breastfeeding journey.

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  2. Another inspiring story from a mom who is following natural weaning. I wish I read as many stories when I planned to wean my daughter because I couldn’t do it anymore. These stories will help a lot of mothers out there

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  3. Nice interview. My older one had left breastfeeding on his own at 11 months. I din’t have to do do anything. Whereas my younger one is still going strong till date even at 18 months!

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  4. It is so great that you had a pleasant experience with nursing! Many mothers struggle and I love reading and hearing success stories. Also love all the encouragement to all the nursing mothers out there.

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  5. Thank you for sharing this! While I think any way a baby is fed is a great way (not all moms have an easy time breastfeeding and there is nothing wrong with formula), I always love reading about other moms who are still nursing toddlers. Breastfeeding came easy for me for both babes too, and my son is almost 2 and still nursing. I do plan to wean him in the next few months, but we’ll see how that goes!

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